Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5

I am unreasonably depressed today. Ugh. You ever have those mornings? It is Saturday. I should be frolicking outside. Instead I am planning a couple of lessons in a general malaise. I could use some pals. Philadelphia has not been an easy place for pals.

According to facebook I have 569 friends. This is hilarious, outrageously hyperbolic. I need some of them nearby, skin and heart in tow.

But I have a date tonight. I swear to God, this poor guy has no idea what low expectations I have for him. I am well on my way to despising men forever. Giving them up entirely.

Pain seems to have a longer, more powerful shelf-life than love.

I am fairly certain that Jesus would not agree. A cup of a coffee and a run. That's what I need. And maybe someone should punch me in the face and remind me of just how good I've got it.


  1. Sorry Carmie, I'm taken! Otherwise I could be your date. Sometimes I'm just tired of being a trophy husband for Shelly. I'm not just a huge slab of delicious meat, I have a brain too you know. No need for the punch in the face. Hey, check out our interview with it is on our blog site. Check it out sister.
    Love you muchly

  2. Sorry to hear about the tough luck with guys. I know some really solid Christian guys here in Atlanta so I figure by the law of averages there has to be a few in Philly.

  3. that sucks Carmen! If Mandy and I were there we'd totally hang out with you!
