Monday, February 15, 2010

Love Letters on the Train

Saturday morning I toured a mural art project consisting of 50 rooftop paintings with my friend Erika -- all love letters from a man trying to win the heart of a woman who rides the L train in West Philadelphia. Fantastic.

Some of my favorite love notes:

If I were with you I'd be home now

Your ever after

I had a nice dream about us

I want you like coffee

I'll wait for what I want

Co-sign on a lifetime

And my favorite series of three murals....

We share defeats. We share receipts. We share sheets.

The murals are wonderful. I hope he wins her heart.


  1. Hmmm ... I gotta say, it kinda sounds like he's of the Public Transportation Creepy Stalker Dude variety ...

    ;) Staci

  2. Amazing. The idea to find such a love message is wonderful. However, I must admit it's a little bit scary. Perhaps he's obsessed. Frankly, I think he's an artist and has to be grossly exaggerate. Finally, love and desire are good tools for the art.

  3. You ladies are fantastic and make me laugh... I failed to make the story very clear!! The theme of the art was based on this story of a guy who attempted to do something like this for a woman, but the actual murals were painted by a collection of painters under the auspices of "The Philadelphia Mural Arts Program"-- it's legit!! :-)

  4. hahaha Now that is much clearer. I love them...what a fun idea.

  5. ha! Love it! Did she know the signs were for her? I may still not be understanding what the actual guy did. Funny signs regardless!

  6. hihi, now I see. However, I was a little bit right, wasn't I? Apart from that it seems to me almost always an important part of artistic work that there is a story behind.

  7. Yes! The story behind the art is often the best part!! :-)

    And Mike, I believe the woman knew it was for her!

  8. please tell me, is it a grenade with a blasting fuse next to the sheet? That would be pretty funny (a nice rebus for 'sexbomb', isn't it?). I didn't see it bevor.
