Thursday, July 15, 2010

Brides! Blah!

There are some pretty wonderful things about being a pastor. I love officiating at weddings and it is a profound privilege to be invited to speak words of hope in the midst of grief and sadness at funerals. But there are a bazillion weird and awful things about being a pastor as well (like most of our jobs, I suppose?). I am currently in the throws of an email exchange about money. Brides and grooms who plan to drop $15,000 on a reception will beg for a discount (so they don't have to pay the poor organist $300). Sheesh.

I think I need to stop being so churchy and pastory. This is practically all I talk about in this blog. Is that true? Maybe not. But maybe I should commit to writing some posts that are wildly juicy or at the very least, banal.

So, how about this: I love figs. Figs and gargonzola and crisp, Spanish white wines (names I cannot remember). My friend Steph and I enjoyed these things last night. The glasses sweat here like crazy in the summer. It is so humid that the glasses drip, even when you are inside. I like this. I like the stormy down-pours in the middle of the day and I love the lighting bugs and the sound of the secadas when I get out to the country.

But don't worry. I'm not in love with Philadelphia. I still make fun of the dirty river and the appalling lack of green space. It is troubled and corrupt, but it's growing on me. Slightly. So there's that.


  1. I have a fig tree :) Hopefully one of these years I'll share a fresh juice fig with you and you can bring the crisp Spanish wine! mmmmmmmm. Now that sounds delightful.

  2. Coming back around to churchy things, though, you do realize that God hates Figs (Jeremiah 29:17, Matthew 21:18-19, and others), don't you?


  3. You gotta love Philly just a little bit...

  4. We have two fig trees in our backyard. A Lebanese friend once told us that they couldn't survive for long in this climate, but they seem to be thriving. Philadelphia continues to confound, no?

  5. Hey Carmie,
    It's been a long time since I've commented on your totally bitchin blog. I like figs too. More of a red wine man myself though. Miss you sister.

    Lots of love
